Other symptoms to watch out for include a blue-tinged tongue, decreased appetite, lethargy, weakness, poorer endurance, fast or depressed pulse, and trouble breathing. Heart issues -If your pup coughs when resting, lying down, or sleeping, it can signify a deteriorating health due to heart disease.Sadly, lung cancer is not easily treatable and will likely show a bad prognosis.

If you’re dealing with a similar situation, we’re here to show you a few reasons why this might have occurred: Naturally, a pet owner will become worried when noticing their dog making hacking sounds and retching. Usually, it goes away quickly, but permanent cough cases do exist. Like any other animal, puppies cough to remove something disturbing their throat. Your dog ‘s coughing and gagging can be a symptom of many issues, including having a hairball or common viruses and bacteria infections. My Dog Sounds Like It Has Something Stuck in Its Throat-Why Does This Happen This blog post will discuss what hairballs are, their symptoms, and how you can help your dog get rid of them.

Hairballs are common with dogs, especially those who groom themselves frequently. Recently my dog sounds like he has a hairball stuck down his throat-what can I do to help him?